Lieux et Enjeux #5 – 26/27 juin 2023 – Social recompositions of Mass Housing. European Stories
Organisé par Ahmed Benbernou, Yankel Fijalkow, Bernard Haumont et Yaneira Wilson pour le CRH-LAVUE ; et Gaia Caramellino et Nicole De Togni pour le Politecnico di Milano
09h – 17h à l’ENSAPVS, Salle d’expérimentation
In this seminar, the COST Action program «Middle Class Mass Housing» focus on the middle class and its rather difficult definition, given the diversity of what is meant by the notion of middle class in different countries, depending on their history, political tradition and integration into the market economy.
We propose to consider the population changes that have taken place in the large housing estates since their construction and the ways in which they have been the subject of demographic, political, managerial, urbanistic, architectural, photographic, novelistic and poetic narratives.
With a multidisciplinary reflection, we propose to look at the different narratives that are grafted onto the initial project of the neighborhoods and stratified around its constructions and its multiple images and representations. We will examine the representations of these populations in renovation and rehabilitation upgrading projects and during long-term processes.
In comparing the accounts of different European countries, this seminar finally intends to show how the notion of middle classes, within the CA MCMH-EU, is linked to that of social and spatial change.
This seminar is a continuation of the COST Action 18137 MCMH-EU / CRH seminars held in Paris in 2021 («History, memories and urban strategies») and 2022 («Evolution of collective spaces in Mass housing»).
Programme :
09h00 Words of welcome
09h30 Keynote speaker 1
Annie Fourcaut (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France). La solution des grands ensembles, le cas français
10h-12h30 Session 1: Population mutations
Ana Vaz Milheiro & Inês Lima Rodrigues (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal). «Unités de Habitation» in colonial Africa: controlling the musseque through models from the Global North
Inês Lima Rodrigues (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal) & Teresa Rovira (UPC, Spain). Middle-Class aspiration to live in the periphery? Paradigm differences in the evolution of the urban outskirts between Lisbon and Barcelona in the 1970s
Viltė Janušauskaitė & Marija Dremaite (Vilnius University, Lithuania). Mass Housing Heritage and Social Transformations: The Case of Vilnius, Lithuania
Els De Vos (University of Antwerp, Belgium) & Thias Van Loock (Independent Scholar, Belgium). Changing home culture in Alfons Francken’s 1930s modernist social housing in Antwerp
Paz Núñez-Martí & Roberto Goycoolea-Prado (UAH/UPM, Spain). Anti-social public policies, or the drama of social housing. Spain as a paradigm
12h30 Lunch & MCMH-EU exhibition opening
14h00 Keynote speaker 2
Rachelle Alterman (Technion, Israel). Condominiums Towers for Middle-Income Households. Israel as a global observatory
14h30 – 17h Session 2: Transformations through building
Marija Milinković & Dragana Corović (University of Belgrade, Serbia). The Measures of Equity: Architectural Plans as Indicators of Housing Distribution Change within the Frame of Yugoslav Socialism
Veronica Yahel (Technion, Israel). Social Organizing of Middle-Class Groups to Endure Crisis: Residential Complexes in Israel During Covid-19
Yael Allweil (Technion, Israel). Community By Design: Middle-Class Mass Housing and the Ongoing Project of Community Building in Two Estates in Israel
Yankel Fijalkow & Yaneira Wilson (CRH-LAVUE, France). Residential history: what method? what contributions?
Gaia Caramellino & Nicole De Togni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy). Architecture as a Form of Resistance to Social Changes: Crossing Residential Stories and Material Changes in the History of a Post-WWII Milan Middle-class Neighborhood.
Alessandra Como & Luisa Smeragliuolo Perrotta (DICIV, University of Salerno, Italy). Middle-Class Mass Housing. Exceptions and peculiarities in the Neapolitan context
Tal Sadeh & Merryan Majerowitz (Technion, Israel). The Role of Architecture in Israeli Neoliberal Urban Regeneration – From Outskirt LUDs to Single-Plots in City Centre
09h15 Welcome
09h30 Keynote speaker 3
Hartmut F. G. Frank (Germany)
The secular debate about the housing question of the proletariat and that of the middle class in Germany
10h – 12h30 Session 3: Urban renewal
Dalit Shach-Pinsly (Technion, Israel). The impact of the fourth sector on urban renewal processes
Thibault Tellier (Sciences Po Rennes, France). Implementing social restructuring in large housing estates during the 1970s. The origins of urban policy in France
Olga Horea & Diana Andronovici (TUMoldova, FUPA, Moldova). Chronicles of change: the narrative of mass housing estates in Chisinau’s post-war decades
Ana Rafailovska (University SS. Cyril and Methodius, N. Macedonia). Can ‘commoning’ recompose the publicness of the neighborhood unit? Repository of places for social practices – mass housing estates of Skopje from the 70s of the XXc
13h00 Lunch at the Barge du CROUS
14h30 Visit of the Olympiades district
16h30 Core Group meeting at Olympiades
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crhlavue (8 juin 2023). Lieux et Enjeux #5 – 26/27 juin 2023 – Social recompositions of Mass Housing. European Stories. Les séminaires du CRH-LAVUE. Consulté le 12 novembre 2024 à l’adresse